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Version: v0.4.0

Check Applications in Azure Active Directory for potential expired client secrets

Applications within Azure Active Directory can have multiple client secrets, unfortunately there is no out-of-the-box way of getting notified when a secret is about to expire. The Arcus.BackgroundJobs.AzureActiveDirectory library provides a background job to periodically check applications in Azure Active Directory for client secrets that have expired or will expire in the near future and will send an either a ClientSecretAboutToExpire or ClientSecretExpired CloudEvent to EventGrid.


To use this feature, you have to install the following package:

PM > Install-Package Arcus.BackgroundJobs.AzureActiveDirectory

How does it work?

This automation works by periodically querying the Microsoft Graph API using the GraphServiceClient for applications. If the application contains any client secrets the EndDateTime of the secret is validated against the current date and a configurable threshold to determine if the secret has expired or will soon expire. If this is the case either a ClientSecretAboutToExpire or ClientSecretExpired CloudEvent is sent to EventGrid.


Our background job has to be configured in ConfigureServices method:

using Arcus.EventGrid.Publishing;
using Arcus.EventGrid.Publishing.Interfaces;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Make sure that the application has an Arcus EventGrid publisher configured to where the CloudEvents are sent to.
// For more information on the Arcus EventGrid publisher:
services.AddSingleton<IEventGridPublisher>(serviceProvider =>
IEventGridPublisher publisher =

return publisher;

services.AddClientSecretExpirationJob(options =>
// The expiration threshold for the client secrets.
// If a client secret has an EndDateTime within the `ExpirationThreshold` a `ClientSecretAboutToExpire` CloudEvent is used.
// If a client secret has an EndDateTime that is in the past a `ClientSecretExpired` event is used.
options.ExpirationThreshold = 14;

// The hour at which the job will during the day, the value can range from 0 to 23
options.RunAtHour = 0;

// The RunImmediately option can be used to indicate that the job should run immediately
options.RunImmediately = false;

// The uri to use in the CloudEvent
options.EventUri = new Uri("");

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