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Version: v0.2

Measure Databricks job run outcomes as metric

The Arcus.BackgroundJobs.Databricks library provides a background job to repeatedly query for Databricks finished job runs, and reports them as metrics.

💡 With using our Arcus.Observability.Telemetry.Serilog.Sinks.ApplicationInsights, you can report these Databricks reports as metrics in Application Insights.


To use these features, you have to install the following package:

PM > Install-Package Arcus.BackgroundJobs.Databricks


Our background job has to be configured in ConfigureServices method:

using Arcus.Security.Core;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// An 'ISecretProvider' implementation (see: to access the Azure Service Bus Topic resource;
// this will get the 'tokenSecretKey' string (configured below) and has to retrieve the connection token for the Databricks instance.
services.AddSingleton<ISecretProvider>(serviceProvider => ...);

// Simplest registration of the scheduler job:
baseUrl: ""
// Token secret key to connect to the Databricks token.
tokenSecretKey: "Databricks.Token");

// Customized registration of the scheduler job:
baseUrl: ""
// Token secret key to connect to the Databricks token.
tokenSecretKey: "Databricks.Token",
options =>
// Setting the name which will be used when reporting the metric for finished Databricks job runs (default: "Databricks Job Completed").
options.MetricName = "MyDatabricksJobMetric";

// Settings the time interval (in minutes) in which the scheduler job should run (default: 5 minutes).
options.IntervalInMinutes = 6;

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